Your jobs
Information sharing, the success of your actions.
Content management system solutions support the reuse of content from a multitude of different documents, they allow you to capitalize on information, distribute it, anticipate and plan.
- Audit of costs related to document production with delivery of a calculator
- Evaluation of the impact of changes in document production methods
- Migration audit: methods, deadlines, costs

- Documentary project management
- Management of variants
- Training management
- Creation of documents that can be adapted
- Import of existing documents
- Contribute
- Review
- Collaborate
- Training material
- ISO, S100D, SECUFER standards

- Document policy: legal responsibility, reliability of technical content, confidentiality
- Documentary governance: collaborative work, sharing
Prepare the migration to a component mode documentation,
Define the internal processes of the documentation team, inter-team,
Define the tools and methods: writing, validation.
- Documentary process chain: site architecture, macro and micro analysis of documents, document life cycle audit, document typology, volume, responsibilities
- Support for change: efficiency report that makes it easier to detect major risks and general remediation principles.
- Valuation assistance: establishing an ROI
- Ergonomics: adaptation of toolbars, links with add-ons
- Customization: using metadata to target the right information to the right people
- Modeling: creating templates, CSS style sheets, declinable documents, forms
- Standardization: ISO standards, S100D, SECUFER, etc

- Translation: translation memory, specialized lexicon
- Localization: contextualization
- Variant management: updating and versioning
- Training materials: Training manuals, Slides
- e-Learning: Presentation slides, Questionnaires, Quizzes
- Knowledge base: FAQ, Tips, Catalogues